poniedziałek, 27 sierpnia 2012

H&M shorts
Second hand blouse
converse shoes

I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right.
Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun.

The phone rings in the middle of the night

My father yells what you gonna do with your life.
Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
But girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have

That's all they really want some fun

When the working day is done.
Oh girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun.
Some boys take a beautiful girl

And hide her away from the rest of the world.

I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have

That's all they really want some fun...

They just want to they just want to
They just want to they just want to.
Oh girls girls just want to have fun.
They just want to they just want to
They just want to they just want to.
Oh girls girls just want to have fun.
When the working when the working day is done
When the working day is done.
Oh girls girls just want to have fun.
They just want to they just want to
Oh girls girls just want to have funn ...

piątek, 24 sierpnia 2012

Najlepsze dwa tygodnie w moim życiu, pełne słońca, morza, wspaniałych ludzi, imprez, dobrej muzyki, makaronu i wszystkiego za czym tak bardzo tęsknię, mimo iż jestem w domu dopiero od 6 godzin. Z całą pewnością wrócę tam za rok! Rzym nawet w ponad 40 stopniowym upale wywarł na mnie ogromne wrażenie, zakochałam się w tym mieście, zakochałam się we Włoszech.

One of the best two weeks in my life, full of  hot sea, amazing people, parties, good music, pasta and everything for which I miss so much, even though I am at home since only 6 hours. I will certainly come back there next year! Rome even 4o degree heat had a huge impression on me, I fell in love in this city, I fell in love in Italy.

why I love You
Pursuit of Happiness

niedziela, 12 sierpnia 2012

żegnam Was do 24.08, słoneczne Włochy czekają na mnie! 

bye bye, see you 24.08, sunny Italy is waiting for me! 

piątek, 10 sierpnia 2012



I fell in love with these shoes, it was definitely love from the first sight.
Enchanted me with their delicacy, so I decided to buy them
although the lack of an appropriate size, which is not proved to be a good idea. 

Zakochałam się w tych butach, to była zdecydowanie miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia.
Urzekły mnie swoją delikatnością, postanowiłam więc kupić je mimo braku odpowiedniego rozmiaru, co nie okazało się dobrym pomysłem.



haha pics in bathroom always ok!

The Big Big Bang
the reason I’m alive
When all the Stars collide
in this Universe inside

The Big Big Bang

The Big Big Bang
The Big Big Bang

Some people like to talk

but I’m into doing,
What I feel like doing
when I’m inspired
So if we take a walk down
the beach tonight,
I bet we could light up the sky

czwartek, 9 sierpnia 2012

hi darling

my own
August 2011

fashion posssst!

This is probably first fashion post on this blog :)
 Last 4 days in Rybnik!
Now, waits for me all of that things, which I don't like the most - packing, cleaning and shopping ( this is exacly something which I lovee :))

blouse CUBUS
shoes BATA
bag H&M
sunglasses CUBUS

To chyba pierwszy taki fashion post na moim blogu :)
Spędzam teraz ostatnie dni w Rybniku, od jutra czeka mnie pakowanie, sprzątanie, prasowanie i wszystkie te rzeczy związane z wyjazdem których nie lubię najbardziej. Poza przed-wyjazdowymi zakupami oczywiście ;)

 bluzka CUBUS
spodnie VERO MODA
buty BATA
torebka H&M
okulary CUBUS

niedziela, 5 sierpnia 2012